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Defining the Role of the Producer | A Women Make Movies Webinar

  • April 28, 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • online

Everyone needs a producer – but what kind of producer do you need? Producers are involved in different parts of the research/development, financing, production, post-production, and distribution process. In this webinar, these award-winning producers and consulting producers, Jennifer MacArthur (WHOSE STREETS?), Beth Levison (STORM LAKE, THE MARTHA MITCHELL EFFECT) and Heidi Reinberg (93QUEEN, WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?) will define the different roles a producer plays, from beginning to end – what the work entails, how to breakdown the workflow, and how each role is credited. Being a producer is not a catch-all by any means! And for those who want to be a producer, we’ll discuss how one sustains and creates a thriving career as a producer in our current world.

Women Make Movies is offering WIFVNE members a discounted ticket price of $20 for this session, or discounted admission to the full series ($75 60): PRODUCING FOR DOCUMENTARY FILM.  

Check your WIFVNE Members Only email for the discount code.

Register to attend Thursday, April 18 at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00am PT

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